Hi hi! Nice to meet you.

I’m Lucia, a web designer, blogger, and work from home moms who reallyyyy cannot shut up about the stuff that lights me up! (A lot of it is work from home-related or something to do with WAHM life.)

As a result,  several of my family/friends hear a little more than they’d like to about these things.

So, this blog was created! And if you’re interested in building a business as a mom, I hope you’ll find something helpful here.

I haven't always been a work from home mom.

I started working from home part-time before becoming a mom, but had a full-time job outside of the home at the time, as well. It was only after having my first kid and realizing my life was kinda turning into a living hell and I wasn’t making enough to justify staying at my job.

I had to quickly figure out how the heck to stay home and make ACTUAL money because being a one-income family wasn’t an option for us at the time. I tried a few things before landing on a wombo combo of web design and blogging, two things I immensly enjoy and actually pay well.

A few random things about me

Alright, so, I’m not huge on talking about myself but here we go:

  • I was born in ’95, am married, and have 3 kids. (By the way, having 3 small children while trying to work from home is uhh… interesting. As I’m sure a lot of y’all are well aware. 😅)
  • Biiiiggg tech nerd – I learned to code in high school and I’m always trying to uplevel my tech skills because it’s such a fun challenge. Just hard to consistently find time.
  • This is kinda embarrassing, but I’m a former pumpkin spice hater turned pumpkin spice enthusiast. I used to have a need to be “anti” everything mainstream but I’ve learned to embrace the basic bitch life. 💁‍♀️