16 Truly Helpful and Non-Spammy Facebook Groups for Military Spouse Business Owners

Military spouses have it more difficult than a lot of people when it comes to keeping a stable career. Lots of us take a significant pay cut each time we move and sometimes it’s hard to get hired in the first place. Actually, according to the Woman’s Bureau, the unemployment rate for military spouses is 3X the average unemployment rate. Though, it has been reported as a lot higher than that fairly recently. Yikes on bikes.

The fact that we move around a lot and that many of us can’t afford childcare is a big reason that a lot of us start businesses or search for a remote career during our stint (or entire life) as military spouses. Me included!

16 Facebook groups for military spouse business owners

Facebook groups for military spouse business owners + spouses looking for a remote job

I put together this list of Facebook groups for military spouse business owners as well as military spouses seeking remote job opportunities because I noticed that a lot of the groups I joined initially were kind of spammy and annoying.

If you’re a military spouse looking for a portable career, I hope you find something relevant on this list! I’m in a few of these groups and I tried my best to keep spammy groups off of this list for you guys. I know the last thing you need is another 20 posts about pyramid schemes or random scams. Here are the good groups for ya:



The VirtForce mission is to reduce the unemployment rate for AD MilSpouses and veterans by connecting them with employers who recognise our skills and talents.

We do this by providing a safe and supportive virtual community where we facilitate career and personal development, provide information about opportunities and develop our own resources including blog posts, podcasts and a job page that you can access through our website at https://virtforce.us/


Virtual HOH Military Spouse Professional Network


The Military Spouse Professional Network (MSPN) is a free resource for military spouses past and present. The nonprofit was started by military spouses and is for military spouses. We operate on the principle that military spouses will help each other find fulfilling employment while remaining in the military community. We seek to build community, expand professional networks, capture lessons learned, and mentor each other on our journey towards meaningful employment.


Remote Jobs, Work Anywhere – Inventive Hub


Welcome to the Remote Jobs, Work Anywhere Facebook Group! We believe in educating and empowering Creatives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs to thrive in the spirit of Community over Competition. The purpose of this group is to give all a daily place to check in with their colleagues, participate in group discussion, ask questions, seek positive support, share real work opportunities and connect with companies offering remote jobs.


How to MilSpouse Group


Finding the laughter through the struggle of military life. This is a safe space to vent, share memes, ask questions, and connect with other military spouses.


Job Forum for Military Spouses


Welcome! I’ve created this group to help military spouses living anywhere around the world who either 1) are looking to hire military spouses or 2) find work that fits their lifestyle. Also, if you know of any employment opportunities, post here!


Hawaii Military Spouse Network


Hey, y’all! Welcome to our group!

This closed group is an exclusive forum designed to connect, provide support and empower our fellow military families and spouses. We’re all about sharing area information, advice, promoting spouse owned business and other useful info! Please answer the questions to ensure you’re accepted to our group.


Career Military Spouses


Hello military spouses! The Career Military Spouses group was created for those who do it all. Career military spouses who work full time face unique challenges. The Career Military Spouses (CMS) group is a safe place to dish about challenges. CMS is a group in which to talk about struggles at work and how to balance it all. This group can be used as a resource to network, provide tips on open job positions and workplaces that are military friendly. CMS’s primary focus is on those who work full time and those whose spouses are active duty (plus guard and reserves). Entrepreneurs and spouses with home businesses who work a minimum of 35 hours a week are welcome.


Military Spouse Career & Education Support


Are you a spouse looking for a LEGITIMATE work from home opportunity (NO MLM EVER)?

We have them! Are you a spouse who is ready to go back to school but doesn’t know what career would be best for your unique Military family situation? Find out here! Are you a spouse living overseas who wants to start an online program but aren’t sure which schools will accept you? Ask here! Are you an active duty spouse who is ready to join the workforce, but aren’t sure where to begin? Ask here! Do you need help with your resume, cover letter or work experience since being out of the workforce for an extended period? Ask here!


Military Spouse Professional Networking


A place for active duty, veteran, widowed, divorced, reserve, and National Guard spouses and partners to network and share. We’re all part of the family. It’s important to stay connected, whether you’re working full time, part-time, taking some time off, or starting a new business. Let’s learn from our fellow spouses who have been there and done that!


Military Spouse Entrepreneur Alliance


This Group serves one purpose, to Empower, Impact and Advocate on behalf of our nation’s amazing military spouse entrepreneurs. Please feel free to promote your efforts, provide advice and network….we only ask that you pay it forward, promote and support others as you would promote yourself. Now go out there and Conquer the World!


MilSpouse Tribe


MilSpouse Tribe is the Ultimate Spouse’s Page. We connect a community of military spouses, past and present, across all branches of service in order to inform and inspire.

We create a safe space to get connected, ask questions, and give encouragement. As a result, military spouses everywhere can access resources, relationships, and resiliency.


Military Coworking Community


The Military Coworking Network is run by and for military spouses. It is a place where we can share the best of the outside world with our community and connect, help and inspire each other. Coworking is about collaboration; working together and supporting each other. Inside this group we network and share ideas about different ways of maintaining careers that are compatible with military life. Join us if you want to become a member of the network and connect with others who are maintaining their independence, whilst supporting someone serving in the Armed Forces.


VIPKID Military Spouses


Welcome fellow military spouses! This is a group for you. We all know how isolating military life can be and then add working from home on top of that, and it can be tough! Let’s support each other.


Dual Military Spouses


This is not your ordinary spouse page! You must be married to a service member or already be dual military or previously dual military to be added no exceptions. We don’t add dating couples or engaged couples. If you don’t answer the questions you will also not be added. If you’re in a dual-military marriage you know the sacrifices it takes to make it. This group is for dual or soon to be dual-military spouses! This is to inform and motivate each other in ways only those in this position can! Must be enlisted within a year after being added to the group to stay in.


MilSpouse Creative® + Entrepreneurs with Moni Jefferson


A ? networking community of milspouse entrepreneurs to connect + collab + cultivate! This community is for ALL spouses(retired, active, reserve) In all stages of business ?Ideation, Growing, or scaling!

Okay, so, yeah! I hope that you found a group or two that looks helpful to whatever situation you’re in as a military spouse. If you’re wanting to start a business to create a portable career for yourself, I think you’re making a smart move and I hope you find a supportive community here!


Know any other great Facebook groups for military spouse business owners? Drop the names in the comments and I’ll add them to the list! 🙂


Related reading:


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facebook groups for military spouse business owners and freelancers